
Aqua-view aims at the development of European aquaculture formation at different levels:


*Secondary vocational training (EQF level 4)

The Aquaculture Professional at EQF Level 4 can work in land-based or marine aquaculture facilities. S/he is responsible for the routine aspects of  aquaculture production. S/he can delegate simple tasks in the production process to a co-worker. The employee takes welfare of aquatic living species , sustainability and production regulations into account. 
Aqua- view develops International learning units on various topics for EQF Level 4. With these units students can do part of their education aboard.  Students are offered a challenging learning environment in which they can learn about aquaculture systems outside their home country. The learning units can be implemented both in school based as well as work based learning.  All European aquaculture production systems are represented. Students can become proficient in an international context in the production of: fish, algae, seaweed, shellfish and crustaceans, etc.


*Higher professional education (EQF level 5)

The Aquaculture Manager/Entrepreneur at EQF level 5 manages or owns, an aquaculture company, in-land or offshore, freshwater or marine, in the production of aquatic biomass. S/he is responsible for managing the production of aquatic organisms in aquaculture facilities, taking into consideration sustainability, welfare and production regulations.  Furthermore, s/he works independently or as manager of a team. Aqua-view develops a European course on aquaculture  for EQF level 5.  The international course will be offered at different locations in Europe.  Each location has its own specialization and focus on the local aquaculture production systems. A student who has followed his training at different locations and at different systems both in college as in companies, has an excellent European employment perspective.


*(Short term)courses for lifelong learning.

Aqua-view develops courses for lifelong learning at both EQF level 4 and 5.  These courses target different target groups:
- Aquaculture employees
- Employees at compagnies and organisations related to aquaculture
- Other interested parties

In addition to various standard training programs on aquaculture production methods, there are also options for tailor-made training programs. Participating in these courses can be done locally and internationally.